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Work that fits around your life

Shirley Drummonds – through Spiders Web Solutionbalances a growing business around childcare

ShirleyDrummonds a single mother with seven children founded Spiders Web Solutions in April 2010 to give herself the flexibility to balance her family commitments with using her skills and experience todevelop a social enterprise consultancy business. Previously, she had worked on a voluntary basis with community groups supporting disabled and other minoritygroups

Until January2010 Shirley was Chair of Lewisham based Fun Fizzical providing active gym anddance sessions for 4-16 year old children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Whenshe heard about the free support available from South East Enterprise to peoplewanting to work for themselves she realised that she could turn the many hoursof voluntary time she was devoting to this into a viable business.

As Shirleysays… “ I have a lot of experience to offer, but because of my familycommitments a 9-5 salaried job was out of the question. To keep my skills up todate I involved myself in local community programmes as a volunteer. This mademe realise that there was a gap in the market for somebody to start aprofessional management consultancy service to fill the skills shortages inmany of these community groups.

I couldn’t believe it whenI heard about the free support and advice that SEE provide people wanting tostart businesses, I realised that I could that being my own boss would give methe flexibility to balance work with myfamily life. SEE advisers gave me sound practical advice on setting up andrunning a business, marketing and accounting; this gave me the knowledge andconfidence I needed to start Spiders Web Solutions”.

SEE, have beensupporting residents of Greenwichto set up successful new enterprises as well as those wanting to grow existingbusinesses for over 20 years. The SchoolGates Enterpriseprogramme is funded by Greenwich Council to give parents who want to workfor themselves the support they need to start their own businesses. It is deliveredthrough a mix of enterprise workshops and individual coaching at nominatedschools in the borough. All participants receive a Certificate at a GraduationCeremony to acknowledge their efforts and achievements.

SEE willsupport School Gates graduates throughout the trials and tribulations ofstarting-up their business and, through its other support programmes, continueto offer free advice and guidance in the critical first years of trading.

To find outmore about School Gates Enterpriseand SEE’s other range of business support see their website www.seenterprise.co.uk or send theman email info@seenterprise.co.uk

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